Friday, August 26, 2011

Driving with Boldness


"Can you remember the last time you prayed for boldness? True boldness. Do we say: “Let’s talk about God, not Jesus; the things Jesus taught, not the Resurrection. In fact, maybe we should sneak out of the city and take our message somewhere else.”  Or do we pray “American” prayers? “Let’s pray for safety, for a blessing, for protection, for better grades on our tests, for a safe trip, for traveling mercy, let’s thank God for our food, but let’s not ask for BOLDNESS….BOLDNESS just got us thrown in jail.” If the 1st century Christians prayed prayers like the 21st century Christians, American Christians, the message of Jesus may have never gotten out of the 1st century. Our prayers are kind of pathetic. We live in the safest country in the world and most of us live in the safest part of the safest country in the world. We live in a country where if you are bold about your faith, about the worst thing that can happen is that you might lose a friend, or a golf partner, or a bridge companion, or your work may tell you to tone it down a bit, or you may even lose your job, but that’s about it.

We have more freedom to be bold than any other country in the world, yet we are some of the least bold people in the world.

When was the last time you prayed for boldness?

One of the greatest mysteries in all of history is how did the church survive Rome, 70 AD, when all of ancient Judaism basically went away, which is the foundation of all of Christian thought and Christian teaching? How did the 1st century church even survive? Part of the answer is that they understand their message was so important that they did not pray for protection, they did not dumb down the message, but instead, they actually prayed for GREATER BOLDNESS." (Andy Stanley)

The above text was taken in part from a sermon by Andy Stanley. I do not know how his words strike you, but they hit me HARD. I’m guilty; guilty of praying small, insignificant prayers. Now don’t get me wrong. I think praying for traveling mercies, a sick child, a work situation is good. It teaches us to rely on the power of prayer and God. But, my walk with God is not about safety, about comfort, or about the “easy” road (although I really wish it were a lot of times!). My walk with God is about Honoring Him, becoming more Like Him, and making Disciples throughout the world. So, if that’s the case, then my prayers need to change. And with my prayers changing, my actions will change as well. I pray I can become a person who proclaims His message with BOLDNESS, without hinderance, without being scared of what might be, without dumbing down the message. I pray you are stirred to join me in this effort.

Acts 28:31: He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ – with all boldness and without hindrance!

   With only His Grace,

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